How can you deal with the frustration?

"Why things are not simpler or people less complicated", have you ever thought about it?

 Resultado de imagen para frustracion

All of us feel frustration once in the life, even when you are doing the simplest tasks you can feel something like this when we can´t do something just like we want. We usually think that an easy way to deal with this kind of feeling is just to stop doing that activity, but is not an option to run away and left everything in the behind, we have more options to solve a problem.

At the beginning it probably will cost more than you could believe, because we are facing the problem, we take the time to analyze what is happening and how can we solve the problem. This kind of things make that you have success with different kind of activities that we have to do every single day.

So at first, you need to recognize that you´re feeling frustration; and I don’t want that you think or say to others that feel frustration makes you weak, on the contrary, recognize that you are passing by this kind of situations makes you have a better perspective of who you are, makes that you get the enough emotional strength to deal with this and other emotions. 
 Resultado de imagen para reconocer los errores

You need to talk, trust me that is one of the better ways to put out all your emotions, this have benefits, after you made it, you will be able to end the activity that makes that you feel frustrated. And if you need help, don’t be shame to ask for help, in our society since we are kids until we reach adulthood, they teach us that ask for help is wrong, that we don’t have the enough capacity to understand something or things like that, so please if you need help (even when you feel sad, angry or frustrated) ask for it.

 Resultado de imagen para pedir ayuda
Meditation is one of the most important thing when you don’t know how to deal with the emotions. If you have been feeling that you can’t control your emotions, it would be one of the better options to try for. You are having time for you, it produces that your self-stim increase in higher levels; it isn’t for reach your ether soul, its beneficial for you.

 Imagen relacionada
Take breaks, if you are a person that doesn’t have time for anything, try to search the time enough to do active breaks, to stretch your entire body and move from side to side. It increases the breath levels, oxygenated your brain and also it makes you think better, your body will be very thankfully with you.  

Resultado de imagen para pausas activas
And the most important thing, all what you are doing is for today, think always in the present that you are living for, if you get worried about the future, it will make you feels anxiety, if you think about what you could do, it will make you feels depress. Handles a balance between the two, to live a better present, without worries. 
 Resultado de imagen para presente


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