Learn English in less than a month is possible!!!

Nowadays, English has become very important since in school it is a priority and even when you go out, it still is. For many students to learn this language is somewhat complicated for this reason they believe it is impossible, but it is the opposite.

As English was mentioned, it went from a luxury to a priority and there are many techniques that can make us bilingual in less than a month, of course, if you have discipline and believe in yourself, everything is possible. English is easy to learn and of course if you have the urge to speak in English.

There are many methods so I will mention some that in my opinion have helped me a lot to improve my English level:

Use your cell phone in english : if you use your cellphone in english you can interact with the language until getting used to it and knowing by heart means each option.


Speak in english with your  friends :when talk in english with your friends you feel cool and how a different person and that wonderful.

Watch movies in english with caption: why not listen your favourite actor with the original voice.

 Use apps to learn english: when you use differents apps in english you can reforce  your learning and can see what you have learned and improve to challenge your knowledge.

                                                                      try duolingo

Sing your favorite song in english: sing your favorite song make you feel like a pop star and why not a profesional rapper.

play videogames in english: imagine you playing fortnite,Mario Bros etc. you can read the information in english and try of decifrate the history of the game.

Remember our school have differents celebrations like the st.patrick day and the english day where you can participate in english and watch differents performances, this is done by the school with the intention that we students participate more, leave the embarrased moments and  better manage of English

I wait that this blog can help you to learn english in less a month and can use this ideas for can be the best in the classes that are so important the english (speaking,biology,english etc.).


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